
Workshops and training

There are several ways to start learning about addressing undesirable behaviour.


1. A series of three to five workshops. In this series, we take more time to go through the theory in the book and practice addressing undesirable behaviour and receiving constructive feedback about your own behaviour. Between the workshops we try to implement what we have learned in our own work and in the next workshop we reflect on the results together.

2. Train-the-manager. In five half-days spread over six months we work intensively on becoming aware of obstacles and improving our own, and the direct reports’, competences in addressing undesirable behaviour. Topics covered include:

  • What is undesirable behaviour? What is the ‘norm’? Where is your personal red line?
  • Psychological safety and the influence of power.
  • What hinders us in addressing undesirable behaviour at work and how can we manage our instincts?
  • What would it bring the organisation, your team and you yourself if we do it more often or more candidly?
  • Different types of senders and receivers; what is the right style?
  • The mind shift; from a monologue to a dialogue.
  • Recognising and picking up on criticism about your behaviour and dealing with it properly.
  • How do you encourage your team members to address each other’s undesirable behaviour more often?

A selection of the reactions afterwards:

‘Very recognisable!’, ‘Inspiring’, ‘Clear and friendly at the same time’, ‘You show that it’s ‘simple, but not easy’, ‘I loved to receive so many practical tools’, ‘We are allergic to trainers who say “you have to”, fortunately you don’t do that at all and you are not afraid to make yourself vulnerable’, ‘You genuinely want to help’, ‘Learned a lot from you!’.

Open training

‘Speaking up? Just do it’; One-day training in which Gytha shares her research results, explains why addressing other people’s behaviour is so difficult and teaches you how to make more impact and at the same time keep a good relationship while speaking up. You will work with your own cases and a selection of tools from the book. Please send an e-mail to info@be7.nl for more information.

Would you like to develop a training for a specific target group or would you like more information? Please send an e-mail to info@be7.nl.